June 2: It only took 26 years FIRST SHOW IN EUROPE!
Show day!!
Got up a bit sleepy…jet lag still not remedied….
Got up for breakfast, did some yoga, got my hair done…warmed up…and we were off to Knust, the venue where I am playing.
Hamburg is so amazing…it feels a little like time has stopped and people are relaxed…biking around, listening to albums…for someone like me who is hyper vigilant, it’s a breath of fresh air.
I once heard a podcast about Astrocartography - which is astrology based on geography. You can get a reading and your chart can be interpreted to tell you where on earth you might be aligned with your highest energy.
The woman who read my chart - Natalie, said that I would feel a special connection here in Germany. And I do…I can tell it is special because being away from my kids is agonizing, and knowing they are safe and happy with their dad…but then also having these surroundings around me, and Michael with me has left us both glowing.
The Angels of Libra asked me to sing with them tonight….”I’m A Good Woman” a song I didn’t know existed until NOW.
I spent most of the day crash-coursing on it….it doesn’t rhyme in parts and my 80’s self goes into a spin-out when presented with songs that don’t rhyme. I wrote out cheat sheets and tried to channel Barbara Lynn as best I could.
Soundcheck was a bit harried. The horn players from Angels of Libra generously offered to play on Loose Wig, Jack and Burn The Boats…thank goodness for Jim Hoke’s charts…they were able to just show up and rock it. I don’t know how horn players do it!
photo by Michael
At showtime I felt that feeling of not having played for a while. But the thrill of having my first European solo show eclipsed all. Shawn Lee was onstage with me…that’s just crazy for me because I’m such a huge fan of him as a producer and writer. Carwyn was great too, even roughing it on Kooks. I daresay the whole thing went well. No one wanted to sing along to Sugar however, which I thought was surprising. Here it is, getting well known and it was the least amount of singing along I’ve ever had at a show! Turns out Hamburg is shy.
A boy came up at the end to praise me for it. It was a beautiful little nightcap.
Michael spoke German to the crowd (he spoke German until age 5 - German mom) and it went over VERY well. I don’t even think our label people expected him to crush it like he did.
Our songs, our little babies….the energy of all of you….Juergen … a longtime fan right up front… the Legere family….it was a brilliant night and now your pal is very sleepy.
TOMORROW: We take Mr Mellow and his partner to Def Leppard and Motley friction Crue!!! THERE WILL BE STORIES!